4 Internet areas to evaluate for Online Brand Reputation

Many times people are asked a simple question “Do you have an online presence?”. I would rather rephrase it to “Can Google or Bing search engines find your business? “. Statistics (from statista.com) state 88.1% of users use Google to search followed by Bing at 4.53%. That makes around 3.5 billion searches on Google every day. But where does these searches lead to? Not to your website, blog or your social media page/profile. They lead to various websites that match the keywords of the search. It is important that your business is found when that search is made.

Finding you online means you exist. Remember bad reputation is much better than no reputation. Because bad reputation can be corrected, but not having any reputation means your business does not have an existence, which badly affects customers’ trust level in you. Below are some of the platforms where you need to be found. Each platform could be discussed in detail, but for the purposes of of this article I shall deal with the basics only Read More