Writing a Blog improves visibility

Source: WordPress.com (stats are per month basis)

A blog is an informal content publishing system that any business can utilise to share their thoughts. It is a very good tool to share knowledge about your industry and products or services.

Having a blog improves your reputation because it makes others perceive you as an expert and builds trust among people. People will want to do business with a person having a blog than one without. It helps to gain influence and build a following. Not just that; a blog helps to direct more visitors to your website, position your brand as an industry leader and even helps to develop better customer relationship.

Blogs should also be updated as frequently as possible. The blogs should talk about the business, how it works, the technology being used and information about the trends of the industry. It is just like writing articles in a magazine. The key difference however, is that you own the whole magazine.

Writing could be anything that is beneficial to your readers. It could be related to the current events in your business, industry or new technologies available and how it affects your industry. It could be about the growth opportunities one could find in the industry or even about a particular problem and the solution(s) to it. Writing influences other people in the industry to partner with you to offer services thereby creating a good ecosystem for you.

Create content on domain knowledge and share with consumers to educate them. If it is a hospital, sharing knowledge on the domain of the hospital and health industry will create a positive impact on the discerning consumer. This could be through blogs, stories, research reports etc.