The size of the internet in 2015

Source: Netcraft, Worldwidewebsize, Internetlivestats

There are total of more than a billion websites with over 178 million active websites. With over 3 billion internet users in the world. The internet is being accessed at a very high rate. On a daily basis over 4.5 billion pages are being accessed and 1.5 billion searches made.


The current state of Internet users in the world shows that Asia stands in the top at 48% compared to its nearest competitor the Americas i.e. the North ,South & Central America put together at 22%. From the countries perspectives, China stands first in the list. The following are the top 10 countries with largest internet users

1. China – 642 Million

2. United States – 280 Million

3. India – 243 Million

4. Japan – 109 Million

5. Brazil – 108 Million

6. Russia – 84.5 Million

7. Germany – 72 Million

8. Nigeria – 67 Million

9. United Kingdom – 57 Million

10. France – 55 Million


Though India has the lowest penetration at 20%, it is the fastest growing country in terms of internet users. Whereas United States, Germany, France, U.K., and Canada have the highest penetration with about 80% of population using internet.