Nike saves it’s reputation

NIKE during the 1990s had got caught into controversy involving their manufacturing and supply chain policies and methodologies. Customers started boycotting their products. However what they did was amazing. They started working towards changing the system and making the lives of their workers and environment better. They started creating a transparency system so that people could understand their techniques and processes well and respond to it. Nike was in fact building their reputation and that in turn rebuilt their brand.

They used CSR to reduce the risk and maintain the reputation of the business. In later days, they used CSR for research and development activities and then for branding purposes. The brand has won awards such as “Innovation and Sustainability”, “Best Corporate Citizen” and “Most Valuable Global Brands” for their CSR involvement in Environment, Ethical Practices and Health care.

Moral of the Story: Even if your practices are wrong, if you work towards the benefit of people and the environment around you, your reputation could be safeguarded. By engaging into social responsibility activities you can rebuild your brand.