Reach-Out to generate more Referrals from existing customers

Building a group of loyal customers is really helpful. In my previous article, i spoke about how engagements helps creating that set of loyal customers. In this article, i shall touch base on the last phase of the C.I.D.E.R process where reaching out will help you generate more referrals from existing customers

A sale is not a sale even after it is sold, but a sale is definitely a sale when you get another sale from this sale

-Satish Kota

The basic idea of the sale is not just making the transaction and collecting payment, the first part of the above quote talks about the importance of customer service and engagement with customers. However what is most important in the quote is the second part which is generating referrals from the first sale which will lead you to the next sale. If you have achieved a referral from any sale, then it signifies that the sale is 100% complete. Read More